This neighbor...
He takes care of his yard very well.
It would outshine the neighborhood with how green the grass is.
He is not a social person.
His neighbors would say, "Hello!"
He wouldn't say, "Hi," or even a nod back.
He would resume on what he is doing.
He would leave the house very early in the morning before anyone would leave their house.
He would come back when nobody is out in midday or nighttime.
Normally the window blinds are closed.
One summer...
The front yard grass kept growing until it reached above your knees and then died.
The weeds gnarled across the yard.
The neighbors had not seen him for months.
There were no activity at the house to show he lived there, except for one movement of window blinds.
The neighbors were worried until they saw this one sign.
They stopped worrying.
The mailbox became so full.
The neighbors became worried again.
A paper was posted on the front door.
After the mail vanished, they assumed that he came by and picked everything up.
They stopped worrying again.
They didn't know that the post office can take the mail back to the office and tell the receiver to pick up the mail from post office.
Utah State sent someone to take care of the yard, to regulate the law of maintaining the yard.
People came to shut the gas off, turned water off, and vice versa.
Apparently, the guy lost his house due to foreclosure or abandoned the house.
An Estate Realtor came to survey the house to auction the house.
He opened the door.
A weird odor hit him.
He went looking for the source.
He walked up to the second floor and entered the master bedroom with the bathroom.
He found the source.
It was the guy's dead body laying in the bathroom.
He bolted to his home (which weren't too far away) and called the police.
It turned out that the guy was dead for about THREE months, shortly after the one sign of life.
His own family was even not concerned until the police contacted them.
Apparently, months of no contact is normal for him.